Techmeme Leaderboard - Top 100 Techmeme Sources in Widgets!

Want to stay atop of Techmeme's top 100 blogs?

Using Widgetbox's Blidget tool, I've turned each of the Techmeme Leaderboard blogs (the top 100 headline sources) into widgets and broken them down into four pages. Each widget refreshes itself dynamically - staying atop of the blogs' newest content. The page refreshes itself after 20 seconds and moves to the next set of popular widgets. Of course, you can select any of these widgets and embed them directly into your blog, social network or start page (ie iGoogle and Netvibes).

You can access the Techmeme Leaderboard Widgets here.

I encourage you to send feedback - this was a quick test to see if people are interested in seeing their content in widget form (and then grabbing their favorite sources). I only included sources in Techmeme's leaderboard that had accessible RSS-enabled content that was relevant to Techmeme and technology.

I've written previously about Techmeme's top 100 blogs and the breakdown of Headlines vs. Discussions.

Access Techmeme's Top 100 Widgets Here or grab the Techmeme widget below: