Widgetbox's New Partner Networks

Widgetbox has launched what we are billing as our Partner Networks platform. The Networks enable publishers of all sizes to rapidly create custom, branded widgets that merge content across multiple sources, authors and feeds. The widget is completely customizable and based on your author feed(s). Partners format the widget (size, layout, content, etc) and then manage the content via our 'membership console' (a tool to add, invite and organize the feeds displayed in the widget).

Partners also get branded hubs on Widgetbox.com. Those pages are also customizable and dynamically feature the network's widgets, members and headlines.

Below are examples of two Network Widgets - one from YouTube and one from Yardbarker. The widgets are below and a screenshot of the YouTube Network hub is then beneath that.

If you are interested in working with Widgetbox, please contact me directly. Whether you are an individual blogger or a major blogging platform, we have solutions!

YouTube Videos Network