I write a lot about Facebook and the importance of fan pages and engaging with those fans. Just as the content on the Facebook Pages is critical to the interaction, so is the page itself. Facebook allows brands and page-owners to customize the pages with:
- custom layouts - content modules (called 'boxes') - applications - and custom FBML If you put all of those together, you are able to create highly engaging, rich experiences that maintain branding and messaging while on Facebook.
For Dogpatch Labs, we are using the Dogpatch Labs Facebook Page to manage content, events and (of course) fans. We used Sprout (a Polaris portfolio and San Francisco company) to build our custom Facebook page. Sprout has a tool to create and manage pages efficiently and within the FBML environment. The page pulls in dynamic content from Twitter, our blog, the event stream, etc.
You can learn more about Sprout's Facebook solution on their Fan Page. I encourage you to also check out the Dogpatch Labs Facebook page (and become a fan!)