Dogpatch Labs Featured in SF Chronicle Piece on 'Tech Incubators'

In their weekend article "San Francisco sees influx of tech incubators", The San Francisco Chronicle's Carlyn Said visited Pier 38 (home of Dogpatch Labs San Francisco) to study these emerging workspaces and communities. In her exploration of San Francisco workspaces and incubators, Said arrives at a premise similar to our core tenet of open source entrepreneurship: "[Entrepreneurs] do it for the cross-fertilization with other entrepreneurs."

Now with three locations (San Francisco, New York and Cambridge), Dogpatch has roughly 150 active residents (and an even larger list of graduates). We believe that 'cross fertilization' is important both within each space and across the three locations. And as we host events and have new residents join the lab, the key ingredient with search for is collaboration.

Tomorrow Marks Rocky Mountain News' Final Day

After months of speculation.And during a week where Hearst made similar waves with the San Francisco Chronicle. And just a few weeks from its 150th anniversary...

Scripps has announced that tomorrow will be the final printing of the The Rocky Mountain News:

Rocky Mountain News Denver Post

The unfortunate question is who will be next? The local news here is that it may will be the San Francisco Chronicle. To put their troubles in perspective - they supposedly lost over $50m last in 2008 (the Rocky Mountain News lost $16m).


Of note, the big "Permanent Clearance" ads on the homepage and throughout the site (for Dillards) are unfortunately ironic and a further sign of the times.

Read more on Gakwer also puts this in perspective alongside the New York Times and Tribune Co woes.