As Christmas approaches, your inbox has probably filled with reminders from brands and websites that the shipping deadline is looming. For e-commerce sites, Thanksgiving through Christmas is a seasonal highlight for the business... but it quickly tapers the days before Christmas as shipping / deliveries become as issue of feasibility, reliability and scheduling conflict (travels often begin days before the holiday). So e-commerce brands do their best to remind consumers that: - it's not too late to order online, and - they can and will deliver reliably
There are several examples below, but the best (as is usually the case) comes from Amazon: "Fast Shipping: There is still time to get it by December 24". There are three options laid out: - Two day shipping will get it by Dec 22 (free) - One day shipping will get it by Dec 23 ($3.99) - Same day deliveries via Local Express will deliver on Dec 24 ($5.99)