Foursquare Traffic Sources: Facebook 33%, Google 22%

As you can tell from recent blog posts, I have been spending time looking at traffic sources for various sites (Facebook, Huffington Post, Perez Hilton, etc). New data from Hitwise reveals that one-third of Foursquare's traffic comes from Facebook:

Top traffic sources for Foursquare 1. 33% Facebook 2. 22% Google 3. 08% Twitter In total, nearly two-thirds of Foursquare's traffic arrives from three sources (one search and two social).

A few things pop out:

- Facebook's referral traffic has steadily grown on a relative basis... and considering that Foursquare's SEO 'juice' has most likely strengthened over time, that means the relative growth has overcome success on Google.

- Twitter as a traffic source is relatively volatile: large peaks around 30% and lows around 7%. It is likely an outcome of power Twitter users and large events (like SXSW - though not reflected here).

- I imagine the visits differ dramatically between Google and Facebook + Twitter. SEO likely sends more branded ( and deep visits (directly to locations - ie a specific venue's name); whereas Facebook and Twitter are more social and circular (driven by the individual rather than the location).

Facebook Represents 7% of all Internet Visits

According to new Hitwise data, 7.07% of all internet visits go to Facebook. Google is the second largest at 7.03%. And Yahoo is a distant third at 3.67%. Equally impressive is how quickly Facebook has gained on Google - since January, they have jumped from ~6.5% to ~7.1%. Much of that acceleration happened in the last thirty days. Just a year ago, Facebook represented ~2.5% of visits.

This data comes a few weeks after Compete released their January report where Facebook surpassed Google in aggregate visits. Furthermore, if Facebook now represents greater internet share by visits, you would imagine that they are therefore significantly ahead by time on site. Google's in-and-out experience combined with Facebook's single-page structure likely result in Google winning the page-view war.

Read more at TechCrunch.

Facebook: #1 Visited US Site on Christmas & Christmas Eve

According to Hitwise (ironically via their Twitter feed), Facebook was the #1 visited site in US on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This is the first time Facebook has been the most visited page.

Facebook's growth and audience diversity are obvious - but this is a telling sign that Facebook has matured beyond college audiences (who seasonally are not on-campus during late December) and into ubiquity. Over Christmas, my Facebook feed - like all others - featured best wishes, vacation photos, food updates, football analysis, etc.

A thank you to Facebook's Alex Schultz who posted this on his Facebook feed (where I found the tip!):